An Teallach (The Forge) broods over remote Fisherfield Forest. A mountain of Torridon sandstone, An Teallach provides a delightful day-long scramble, particularly in conditions of constant sunshine, as here.
An Teallach viewed during the ascent of Sail Liath in 1985The ridge leading to Sgurr Fiona (1985)Looking back towards Sgurr Fiona and the ridge (1985)An Teallach seen from the southeast in 1997Starting the ascent from the corrieSgurr Fiona from Lord Berkley's SeatStrath na SealgaCorragh Buidhe ButtressAndrew and Barry on Bidein a' Ghlas ThuillAn Teallach seen from the southeastCliffs of An Teallach and Loch Toll an LochainSgurr Fiona from the Ridge