Ninestanes and Esslie Stone Circles

South of Banchory, Aberdeenshire

Three Stone circles lie a short distance (about 3 miles) south of Banchory. The largest, nestling in a woodland clearing, is the Nine Stanes recumbent circle, conveniently located just 100 metres from a small car park (signposted). The two Esslie circles lie in farmland nearby. The roads leading to them are narrow and do not afford ready parking space, so the best plan is to visit them on foot from the Mulloch Wood car-park. As the round trip from the car-park to the two Esslie Stone Circles is little more than two miles, this makes for a pleasant excursion on a sunny day.

Recumbent and Flankers at Nine Stanes Stone CircleLocation of Nine Stanes and Esslie Stone Circles
Panoramic view of Nine Stanes Recumbent Stone Circle
Esslie the Greater (Knock Wood) seen from the RoadsideEsslie the Lesser Stone Circle